Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Yet?

I woke up yesterday convinced it was Friday. I went through more than half my day with the same belief. Imagine my pain this morning to have to do it all again. Why did yesterday feel like a Friday?

More importantly are bad days universal, or city specific? I know everyone in Miami is having a bad day today. I can tell from my co-workers, the traffic on the streets, and the amount of accidents I have seen today. These accidents are even EMT worthy. I suppose those accidents are to remind me that my day could be worse and I should be thankful I am only having to deal with the little annoyances I endure.

Friday used to be my funday, now its my I want to run day.


Jack said...

Hooray It's friday!!!! I'll be smoking some fat blunts all weekend.

Unknown said...

Not sure what you are trying to do with Rex's name, but I am the only one who reads the comments here or posts here and I can tell the difference between you and Rex. Welcome to the house of lemmings, again. At least you are not posting as "drudgeisbetter" anymore.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

I know the feeling of a missed Friday......the good news is, the NEXT day is Friday all over again...

I am going to smoke blunts all weekend!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried drinking? Everyday can be a good day.