Click Here to witness the triumph of real news over gossip. We at the Lemming House have a new hero. Mika Brzezinski, we love you. Forever and ever, amen.
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Yesss!!! Go, Mika! Kan, can we make her our queen?
I was thinking G-d. Queens die. After losing the Sizemore post I decided I was not going to post anything about Princess Diana Monroe until I saw this video. The chills I got watching this forced me to share it. I had lost faith until today. I AM REBORN!!!!
OH MY! Kanrei ROCKS for posting this one. You're my new hero, K, for finding this heroic.
By all means, let's go get her and install her as the Supreme Goddess of the Lemming House. Hail, Mika!
That was awesome; now if only she had slapped the crap out of those other two so she could actually do the news...
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