I was on my way home from work today after one of those rare amazing days. Everything fell into place, everyone got along, and we went out as an office together for lunch. It was one of those days in a good way.
So there I am, sitting at a red light going home when I hear a loud sustained honk. I glance up to see a black Honda making a left turn regardless of the white Honda that was going straight. Needless to say the loud sustained honk was quickly followed by a loud crash, the squealing of white Honda's tires as it spun out of control and then, quite unexpectedly came a second crash and not from the Honda careening out of control. Rather it seems the black Honda was not finished with its chaos creation and it just had to slam into the front end of yet another white Honda. Yes, it was Honda day here in Miami and they were only giving them obviously to the driving impaired.
The proper thing for those involved in surprise parties such as this is to exchange information after making sure everyone is alive and reasonably well. What exactly was I supposed to do having seen the whole thing? My instinct told me to pull over and help, but a co-worker driving behind me drove on. Was this the correct thing to do? Was I placing myself in danger or being nosy by pulling over?
I walked over to the carnage after every other witness quickly fled the scene and checked each car to make sure the people were alive. I offered my cellphone to anyone who might have needed it and asked if they needed a witness at all. They all were fine and thanked me, but said they didn't need me so I left. Only one other person stopped.
Was I stupid for stopping or was I wrong for leaving? I really don't know what is the “right” thing to do. Luckily I do not witness that many accidents.
In regards to Birdie's post of yesterday, my inner child did say “cool, car crashes rock”, then I quickly grounded the little bastard for being so insensitive.
Actually, that sounds more like the beginning of a Serena Joy haiku, Kanrei.
Cool; car crashes rock!
Hondas, white and black: smash...Bash!
Is my joy so wrong?
Ya did good Kan me friend. The deposit you made in the karma bank will assure you of many more days that just seem to magically fall into place.
For even those who didn't stop, yet saw your actions, there will be the lingering thought that maybe they could and should have done the same. This be the only way to spread the word.
Good Stompin.
I think you did exactly the right thing. You stopped to render what aid you could, and then left when told you were no longer needed. There was nothing more you could have done.
Littlebird has produced yet another bang-up, rockin' smash haiku!
I've seen several accidents and I always offer my contact information as a witness. There are only so many witnesses if any at all and with so much litigation and regulations, sometimes people really need it. If its not needed, so be it, but to not offer it is not stepping up and being responsible in my opinion. Good job!
Birdie on a roll
Haiku machine cannot stop
Quality Displayed
Thanks guys. I did what I would hope someone would do if I were in that situation, but in today's world who knows what is right anymore. I am just happy there was no blood or gore. I hate blood and gore.
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