Welcome to the Kanrei Home for Wayward Lemmings. Please keep your Tin Foil Cap on at all times for your own safety. Occasionally, you may see something that appeals or intices you. We ask that you refrain from flash photography and/or feeding said things. Again, this is for your own safety. The gift shop is fully stocked with overpriced postcards of things you would never want a photo of so please feel free to visit it on your way either in or out. Both would be nice.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Happy Friday the 13th and Avoid those Hockey Masks
Something a little different for today’s edition of “It’s Friday” simply because it is Friday the 13th and this is a photo that pretty much sums up the vibe of today. Anything more would be extraneous.
That's definitely odd. Kind of cute, though.:) Happy Friday the 13th, Kan.
Are you messing around with the 'read more...' stuff, or is my computer just not doing anything? I think you're pulling a funny.
Yeah, what's up with that 'read more' thing? I thought I was having a senile moment when it wouldn't do anything.:-)
I have no idea where it came from or how to get rid of it. It showed up the other day.
Yeah, bummer. I cannot read any more. I remembered you had that format long ago but abaondoned it. Apparently its come back to haunt you now.
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