Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Have Been MIA This Week

I realize I am slacking (again) this week, but this is my "Geek Week" and I am in full geek mode. You see, the E3 conference is this week in LA, and, even though I am far from LA, I am watching it daily when I get home from work and reading about the latest news whenever I am online, so blogging has taken a back seat this week. Fear not however, because today is the last day of E3 and I shall be returning to my other geek activities with plenty of time to prepare for the "It's Friday" coming tomorrow.

What is E3? E3 is a video game convention where all the biggies in the industry announce their latest hardware, preview new games about to be released, and basically reveal their plans for global domination. As a very loyal Playstation fan boy, I was very eager to learn of the wondrous things they had in mind to further keep a real life far from yours truly. Oh my...what a year I have coming. Sorry mom, but probably no grandkids from me again next year if E3 has any say in it.

Until tomorrow, happy gaming! Mario and Sonic say "hi!"

1 comment:

Ed & Jeanne said...

Did you hang out front with a sign that said "Sony took my PS3 for repairs...give generously..."