Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, here we are at another Friday and I am exhausted beyond belief. My fire alarm went off last night and scared the shit out of me. When trying to turn it off, I failed over and over again (still asleep) and had the company call me to make sure I was not burning alive. I changed the batteries and could not reset my system so I have them coming out tomorrow. I got back to sleep somewhere around 4am and had a major meeting today, so could not call in sick. I am not wide asleep at my desk, riding out the clock until nap time.

Have a great weekend. I will post the latest Blogcritics story later tonight after it has been on BC for 24 hours or so.


Serena said...

Yowzer! What a rude interruption of a good night's sleep. I'm glad you didn't burn alive in your bed, dude.:)

I haven't had a chance to read your BC story yet, but will ASAP.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

You should hear about the last time my fire alarm went of.....ahahhahahhahahhahahhaha........

$3300 dollars and two court appearences later.......