My decade of solitude is coming to a close. These last two years I have made even more solitary by stopping with most online communications as well for some odd reason, but I am trying to restart them now. I am sure I have lost Lemmings along the way as this place was not much of home for the wayward as of late. I am sorry for that. I am a selfish person who gets lost in himself sometimes to the detriment of those around me. June of 2008 through August of 2009 has been pretty rough and stressful as well with work and the economy and everything wit was more mean than insightful as a result.
On the bright side, as 40 looms off in the distance, I am not fearful, but rather excited. I feel this decade of solitude has helped me find myself a bit better and be more secure in who I am and I hope that will allow me to fully enjoy my 40's in a way I could not my 20's. When one considers the ride that was my 20's, ups and downs, well, we can only get really psyched for the 40's adventure to come.
Happy New Year
I think your 20's were an moved to places on your own...something that was a complete surprise You did things and saw things I never had the chance to do No I am glad you had your 20''s your 30's I could not understand but if it did you good then I am glad...
If a parent understands every choice a child makes, the child is doing it wrong.
Amen, I was just saying I am glad, not that I understood...You know we are totally different. I think we do really well considering.
Ketivah veChasimah Tovah LeShanah Tovah Tikateivu
i was not feeling well for the new year or i'd've been by sooner.
it just gets better from here on out, kanrei.
Alas, your 40s adventure starts as mine winds down. Less than two years left of it. I found the 40s to be hard; highest of highs and lowest of lows. What I have learned is that there really isn't anything that you do that can't be reconsidered if you want a change.
I think it may have been the decade 2000-2010 that sucked then and not my 30's.
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