Thursday, January 11, 2007

Serena Inspired But Revealing

You Are 48% Democrat

You aren't a full fledged Democrat yet, but it's likely the party that fits you best.
You probably consider yourself an independent Democrat. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself!

You Are 16% Republican

If you have anything in common with the Republican party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that!


Serena said...

I'm 60% Democrat, 16% Republican. I don't know what the other 24% of me is. Free spirit? Heathen?:)

Unknown said...

The other 24% is free thinking =D

Scary Monster said...

Me came out 8% Rep. And 12% Dem. That has Me wondering about all the empty space in between.

Clinton is a criminal question made me giggle...

Unknown said...

Means you are more of a free thinker than Serena or I am. I was happy with my Repub number, but not happy my Dem number was so high. I wanted 25% for both.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

You Are 56% Republican

You aren't a full fledged Republican yet, but it's probably the party that fits you best.
You probably consider yourself an independent Republican. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself!

Rex Zeitgeist said...

You Are 16% Democrat

If you have anything in common with the Democrat party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch conservative, and nothing is going to change that!

Unknown said...

I appears you are my polar opposite. You are exactly as Democrat as I am Republican. No wonder we actually get along.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

I am suprised it scored that high!

Nah, they asked loaded questions.....

Unknown said...

Whatever gets you through the night =D

The Phantom said...

You Are 68% Republican

You have a good deal of elephant running through your blood, and you're proud to be conservative.
You don't fit every Republican stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Republican party.

You Are 16% Democrat

If you have anything in common with the Democrat party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch conservative, and nothing is going to change that!

WOW! I guess I really am conservative!LOL

The Phantom