Friday, February 08, 2008

IT's FRI.....

Hello and welcome to yet another edition of "It's Friday." I am your host, Kanrei, and I am afraid I am too tired today to write a proper "It's Friday" column. I was up most of the night last night fighting off an impending alien zombie invasion and therefore really did not get much sleep.

Well, the actual fighting off the invasion part was over rather quickly, but something about the combination of body parts, chainsaws, and Hostess Twinkies that really makes a really huge and rather scary mess. I was actually up until 9:30 this morning scrubbing and burning, hacking and slashing, grinding and then wiping most of the night away. Bleach really does not do much for "zombie stains," but holy water works miracles (no pun intended). I am beat, but not as badly beaten as those pesky alien zombie are. You are welcome.

So, without really needing to say this, I am pooped and ready to sleep all day long…unless this scratch is actually a bite. I don’t remember getting bitten, but this definitely looks like teeth marks in my forearm. How long do you think it takes for a zombie bite to infect a healthy human? Then how long to infect an unhealthy human like myself? Crap, this explains my growing craving for brains.

Legally needed probably: Zombie Poster found here. This site may just save your life...



Rex Zeitgeist said...

Zombies....hmmmmmm,,,,never heard the term.....

Serena said...

I've developed quite a rapport with zombies lately. I sure hope it wasn't one of mine that bit you.:)

Ed & Jeanne said...

"Kanrai Needs Brains" you really want me to make a comment on that? ;)

Zombies are fun though; a bit of a cup half empty group.