Tuesday, July 10, 2007

P.S.- Sorry About the Earworm-orm-orm-yeah-yeah-yeah

A minor hiccup on the road to health yesterday, but overall things are going great. Yesterday was a test day and I mostly passed; not totally, but mostly and a small victory is still a victory. I am proud of myself for how little I smoked yesterday instead of being upset with myself for smoking at all. It was one of those days after all.

The day started the night before with my being my usual stupid self. The pill is to be taken ONLY twice a day with one dose in the morning and one at night. Being the idiot I seem to play made it so that I forgot taking one of my pills Sunday. This lead to a double dose and rather intense side-effects- dizziness, nausea- I won’t make that mistake again, but it did mean I could not take my morning dose the next day. I fear overdosing on medication so it was going to be up to my self-control to keep me cig-free the following day.

The following morning I awoke bright-eyed and bushy-tailed only to see my rear tires were neither- they were flaccid and depressed. I think “flat” is a better term to use, but less artistic. I got a post to fill up here and simply calling my tire “flat” just won’t cut it. The cigarettes began calling me immediately and I did answer the call more than once as I waited for my tires to be changed. You see, one spare I have, but two I did not.

Yes, they were slowly losing air for a while now, but they were not flat until Monday. Don’t ask me why I waited until they were flat to change my tires, but I did and I smoked three cigarettes while I waited the four hours for my car. I literally had nothing else to do. They were 100% pure bored smokes and not continued nicotine slavery. I am almost emancipated from that with only the remnants of habit remaining. Three is a major shift from a pack a day.

Today I am thinking I can make it for the first time. I am still not 100% behind my quitting, but I think I passed the 80% mark today. Slow progress is still progress I feel. If I can survive a day at the mechanics and not add links to my chain of smoke then I can suffer anything and remain smoke-free, well, nicotine free. No point in going crazy here or anything...

More later. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh.....keep it up.

Camille Alexa said...

The following morning I awoke bright-eyed and bushy-tailed only to see my rear tires were neither- they were flaccid and depressed. I think “flat” is a better term to use, but less artistic.


Serena said...

But WHY were your tires flaccid and depressed and ... flat? Is the cosmos ganging up on you?

Boy, can I ever identify with Boredom Smokes. You know what, though? Thanks to you and your heroic effort, I've cut WAY back. I've smoked only 6 cigarettes today.

sprinkle4 said...

Oh, boy,how well do I know how irritating that flaccidity is.....in tires, in husbands...flaccidity will drive you to drink (or smoke) every time! Hmmmm....wonder if that's why I'm having a hard time cutting back myself?