I do complain and rant on a fairly regular basis so that is something. My “Its Friday” column continues unaffected by my sloth and forgetfulness. There is some hope I suppose. I just need to make some minor adjustments. Focus on bi-weekly updated columns and monthly themed pieces. That should work for both me the writer and you the reader.
To kick off this new path of attempted order at the Lemming House I would like to introduce the “Official Lemming Artist of the Fortnight: Elysian Fields.”
The lead singer’s voice is like something out of a dream. Her voice makes the hair on my neck stand up and chills to drip slowly down my spine. She looks like Jessica Rabbit in my head and just oozes that same sex appeal. To ever see what Jennifer Charles looked like in real life would ruin the illusion.
The style of music they play drifts from song to song. They will play something that sounds like 90’s Goth rock and follow it with a song that would fit in a 30’s night club after closing.
I really do not know very much about this band and I do not want to know very much. It is something weird about me when I really like a band I try to not learn too much about them. I want to just enjoy the music and assign my own meaning to it. This is one of the few new groups to grab me from the first note and has yet to let go.
They have a website as well as a Myspace page. Check them out and you will thank me.